It’s every human being’s right to defile themselves as they see fit…so ultimately, no one is going to force you to eat heathly. If however, you want to feel better, control that middle tire you have been working on and perhaps even enjoy life a little longer its worth the effort. Here is yet another article, this time from Mens Health on some of the same foods talked about many times. Are you detecting a pattern?

What does this have to do with business? When you feel better, you might be able to work better, you’ll probably be able to do more, that may bring some professional progress…enough said.

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day | Eat This, Not That.

3 thoughts on “8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day | Eat This, Not That

  1. Thank you for posting! Indeed, we are what we eat! I couldn’t agree more about being more productive–both at work and at play–by eating healthier foods. The 8 foods he recommends, along with a protein source are fantastic foods; yet really only a start to the healthier end of the continuum. I would like to add: 1. Variety is the spice of life; so although the 8 wonderful foods mentioned to eat every day, we increase our chances of getting the nutrients we need through a variety & rotation. (There are also other foods that have an array of nutrients and health benefits: almonds, avocado, broccoli, celery, yams/sweet potatoes, peppers, etc.) 2. Our source and preparation of any food is of great importance. For examples: Is your source of lean chicken a source pumped with hormones during raising and then 15% “chicken broth” during processing? Does your yogurt have fillers such as “modified corn starch” and artificial sweeteners? Are the produce items fresh or shipped from a far away place? These questions are only starters for taking our nutritional efforts to the next level.


  2. Thanks for the great post! Indeed, we are what we eat and increasing our array of nutrients will increase our productivity! The 8 wonderful foods mentioned in this article in addition to a protein source are a great start to moving our nutritional input in the healthier direction on the continuum of health & wellness. I would like to add: 1. Variety is the spice of life. So variety and rotation are also important concepts (eating the same thing every day makes Jack a dull boy). Additional suggestions to mix it up: almonds, avocadoes, broccoli, celery, yams/sweet potatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, etc. 2. Consider the source, processing and preparation of the food: Is your lean chicken source pumped with hormones during the raising and then with 15% “chicken broth” during processing? Does your yogurt contain fillers such as “modified corn starch” and artificial sweeteners? Are the produce items fresh or shipped from half way around the world, frozen, canned, and therefore corrupted by additives and preservatives? These questions are suggested to help us take eating 8 foods you should eat everyday to the next level, or rather further to the healthier side of the continuum.
    Yours in wellness,
    Trudi Wimberley, M.S. Human Nutrition


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